Is it Safe to use cleaning products while I am pregnant?

September 25, 2014


I am Toronto Nanny and have a quick question:

I am 3 months pregnant and I am concerned with the cleaning products that the parent I work for has me using. At times the fumes make me feel nauseated and give me a bad headache. I am of course concerned that these chemicals may be harming my baby. Any suggestions?


If your employer does not know already, you may want to let them know that you are pregnant. In discussing about the pregnancy, lead with your thoughts and solutions about cleaning products. There are lots of safe alternatives to regular cleaning products such as vinegar and baking soda.  The internet is a wonderful resource for recipes to make your own natural cleansers. is one of many examples of internet sources for DIY cleaning recipes. Here they have a list of 25 DIY green cleaning recipes for the whole house!

Also, natural food stores and some grocery stores sell cleaning solutions that are free of harsh and toxic chemicals. is a great source for finding lists of safe cleaning products and brands to use as well as ones to avoid.


If you have answers to this problem a parent is more than likely to make a change.


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