Babysitting & Nanny Jobs in Terrebonne, Quebec
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2 Terrebonne Nanny Jobs Found
Max D
Terrebonne, Quebec
Active over a week ago
GREAT OPPORTUNITY: $30+/Hourly + Advantages - Seeking Full-Time & Experienced Nanny in Terrebonne, Quebec
Roles and Responsibilities
Daily Care of the Child:
Maintain a stable routine including meals, naps, and activities.
Ensure personal hygien...
Roles and Responsibilities
Daily Care of the Child:
Maintain a stable routine including meals, naps, and activities.
Ensure personal hygiene (bathing, dressing, diaper changes).
Educational and Recreational Activities:
Plan age-appropriate activities to encourage cognitive and motor development.
Organize enriching outings (parks, museums, libraries).
Meal Supervision and Nut...
Youssef R
Terrebonne, Quebec
Active over a week ago
Seeking Nanny in Terrebonne, QC - Family Pays $15/hr - Fun Working Environment!
I'm Youssef, a family in Terrebonne, Quebec looking for a part-time, live-out nanny for my newborn. I'm offering $15.0 HOURLY to the right p...
I'm Youssef, a family in Terrebonne, Quebec looking for a part-time, live-out nanny for my newborn. I'm offering $15.0 HOURLY to the right person for this job.
I'm looking for an experienced nanny to look after my baby with the utmost care and respect. We need someone who will provide a safe and nurturing environment, and who will ensure the baby's needs are met in a timely m...
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