Babysitting & Nanny Jobs in Powell River, British Columbia
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3 Powell River Nanny Jobs Found
Laura G
Comox, British Columbia
Active about 24 hours ago
Experienced Nanny Needed in Comox, BC
Hey there! We are a little family of four, living in Comox BC, we love to ski, hike, and bike, and love being outdoors! We have a dog who is...
Hey there! We are a little family of four, living in Comox BC, we love to ski, hike, and bike, and love being outdoors! We have a dog who is 10 and a cat who is 5.
We are looking for someone to work with us part time on a live-out basis.
We are looking for someone who is excited about creating and engaging with our toddler who is 3 helping us with our baby who is 6 months old...
Tyler H
Comox, British Columbia
Active over a week ago
Seasoned Part time nanny to help care for our amazing 2 girls in comox
Nice to meet you! My name is Tyler. I am hoping to hire a care giver living in Comox British Columbia. I'm hoping to chat with a ca...
Nice to meet you! My name is Tyler. I am hoping to hire a care giver living in Comox British Columbia. I'm hoping to chat with a caring individual with live-out availability.
Services And Training:
My home is in need of diaper changing, meal preparation, and travel support. Ideally, you are comfortable working with both children. We have a almost 6 and almost 3 year o...
Calen T
Comox, British Columbia
Active over a week ago
Canadian Nanny Job in Comox, British Columbia
Hello my name is Calen. We are looking for a part time nanny for our infant daughter.
Look forward to speaking with you!
Hello my name is Calen. We are looking for a part time nanny for our infant daughter.
Look forward to speaking with you!
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