Separation Anxiety Parent

January 21, 2015




We received this message from a Nanny in Mississauga:


I started working for a family in Mississauga at the beginning of the new year. The family is wonderful, and the toddler I am looking after is a complete delight. At the beginning we had some transition separation issues when the mom would leave for work. Her son would cry for about half an hour and then on and off during the day.  I was thrilled when that finally ended a few days ago... but now the mom seems distressed that the child is not upset anymore. This week she says multiple good-byes and has even looked in the window for a minute or two. She seems to not want to leave until her son is crying. I am at a real loss on what to do.


Sounds like this parent is having her own separation anxiety. Any suggestions for this nanny??


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