Babysitting & Nanny Jobs in Sooke, British Columbia
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5 Sooke Nanny Jobs Found
Stephanie T
Sooke, British Columbia
Active 2 days ago
Hiring: part-time nanny until June 2025. Full-time nanny June-Sept 2025. Live-out, located in central Sooke.
Hello, my name is Stephanie, and my husband Jayden and I live in Sooke, British Columbia, Canada. We are searching for a live out nanny to c...
Hello, my name is Stephanie, and my husband Jayden and I live in Sooke, British Columbia, Canada. We are searching for a live out nanny to care for our daughter part-time from now until June 2025, and full-time from June 2 to September 5, 2025. Our daughter Samantha was born in May 2024.
The ideal nanny for our family will have experience caring for infants and toddlers, have...
Vanessa H
Sooke, British Columbia
Active over a week ago
Experienced Nanny Wanted in East Sooke, BC - $20/hr - Apply Now!
Our family in East Sooke, British Columbia is seeking a part-time, live-out nanny to care for our precious little one. The hourly pay is $20...
Our family in East Sooke, British Columbia is seeking a part-time, live-out nanny to care for our precious little one. The hourly pay is $20.00 and more depending on experience, and we are looking for someone who can provide loving and attentive care for our toddler.
As our nanny, your primary responsibility will be to ensure the safety, well-being, and development of our litt...
Natalia M
Sooke, British Columbia
Active over a week ago
Seeking Help around the House and care of Newborn in Sooke, BC - Live In or Live out, Flexible Schedule
We are searching for a reliable and nurturing individual to assist with caring for our newborn on a part-time, live-in or live-out basis. Th...
We are searching for a reliable and nurturing individual to assist with caring for our newborn on a part-time, live-in or live-out basis. The ideal candidate will be responsible for providing childcare a few hours a day (diaper changes, playing, bottle feeding), light housekeeping, meal preparation, and pet care as needed. Payment depends on if you are live-in or live-out.
Caitlin M
Sooke, British Columbia
Active over a week ago
Experienced Nanny Wanted in Sooke, BC - $25/hr for Caring Family
Hi, my name is Caitlin and we are a family from Sooke, British Columbia looking for an experienced nanny to join our family. We need someone...
Hi, my name is Caitlin and we are a family from Sooke, British Columbia looking for an experienced nanny to join our family. We need someone who can take care of our 15 month old and provide a nurturing and safe environment for them.
We are looking for a live-out, part-time nanny. We are looking for 3 days a week, mon/wed/thurs or tues/wed/thurs.
If you are an experienced na...
Kate C
Sooke, British Columbia
Active over a week ago
Hello! We live in Sooke and are looking for a great person to help care for our sweet babe. We need 25-30 hours/week.
My name is Kate and I'm a family living in beautiful Sooke, British Columbia. I'm looking for a nanny to help with the care of my infant. Th...
My name is Kate and I'm a family living in beautiful Sooke, British Columbia. I'm looking for a nanny to help with the care of my infant. The position is part-time or full-time and live-out.
The successful candidate must be responsible, reliable and have a passion for childcare. Duties will include housekeeping, meal prep and of course, providing care for the infant.
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