Babysitting & Nanny Jobs in Hubbards, Nova Scotia
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2 Hubbards Nanny Jobs Found
Amy M
Stillwater Lake, Nova Scotia
Active 6 minutes ago
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No experience needed
Looking for experienced childcare provider in Stillwater Lake (HRM), Nova Scotia
Hello, my name is Amy. My husband and I have two children, a 2 year old and a 4 year old. We are looking for a part-time nanny.
The ideal c...
Hello, my name is Amy. My husband and I have two children, a 2 year old and a 4 year old. We are looking for a part-time nanny.
The ideal child-care provider is experienced, energetic and will provide a safe and stimulating environment for our children. Responsibilities include but are not limited to indoor and outdoor play, reading, walks, assisting with meal times, meal and...
Vanessa R
Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia
Active about 19 hours ago
Live out caregiver needed for two active boys
Job Posting:
Hello my name is Vanessa. I am looking for a full time live out caregiver in Tantallon, Nova Scotia. I have 2 boys ages 5 and 7...
Job Posting:
Hello my name is Vanessa. I am looking for a full time live out caregiver in Tantallon, Nova Scotia. I have 2 boys ages 5 and 7 who love to play outside and swim in the family pool during the summer months.
Both children are currently in school.
Services And Training:
Someone with an enthusiasm for the outside & an active lifestyle would a great fit for this posi...
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