Babysitting & Nanny Jobs in Fort St. John, British Columbia
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2 Fort St John Nanny Jobs Found
Michelle K
Fort St. John, British Columbia
Active 4 days ago
Direct Support for 3 children with special needs, need direct support for 1 child all times
Hey there! We are a busy family located in Fort St. John, British Columbia, and we are currently searching for a reliable candidates that...
Hey there! We are a busy family located in Fort St. John, British Columbia, and we are currently searching for a reliable candidates that are experienced with high needs/behaviours to work directly with one of the three children being their direct support person. All 3 children have severe needs. Must also care for all 3 mornings and when others are unavailable or away. Can d...
Joshua W
Fort St. John, British Columbia
Active 4 days ago
House manager required for family in Fort St John, BC
Looking for a well rounded caring person to join our household, which includes a man and woman named Josh and Lauren ages 36 & 33, as well a...
Looking for a well rounded caring person to join our household, which includes a man and woman named Josh and Lauren ages 36 & 33, as well as two male children ages 9 & 11.
The kids are only in the home half of the time (1 week on and 1 week off).
The position will be called our house manager and the duties will include the following:
1. overall cleanliness and maintainin...
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