Babysitting & Nanny Jobs in Creemore, Ontario
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3 Creemore Nanny Jobs Found
Tracy B
New Lowell, Ontario
Active 25 minutes ago
Looking for a caring parti-time Support Worker for after school hours and occasional travel coverage!
We are looking for a caring and compassionate live-out support person for our 18-year-old daughter with special needs during after school ho...
We are looking for a caring and compassionate live-out support person for our 18-year-old daughter with special needs during after school hours, and occasional travel coverage (mornings and afternoons).
She currently attends the life skills program at our local high school and is a happy and social young lady who requires support for some basic needs.
We are located in New L...
Liz A
Clearview, Ontario
Active over a week ago
Collingwood, ON: Part-time Nanny $20-$25hr depending on experience
I'm Liz, a family from Collingwood/Nottawa, Ontario looking for a reliable babysitter to provide regular care for my children starting in Se...
I'm Liz, a family from Collingwood/Nottawa, Ontario looking for a reliable babysitter to provide regular care for my children starting in September, and ongoing on a part-time basis.
I am looking for someone to care for my 4, 6 and 8 year old from 3:30-8pm 1-2 evenings per week. It would involve picking up from school (walking) and coming back to our house. I can be a bit fl...
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