Have a Safe Summer: Win Free Swimming Lessons For Your Kids or Nanny
It’s almost summer, and it’s no secret that kids love playing in water as the weather heats up. For parents, swimming is a convenient and low cost activity to consume all that energy your little ones have during the hot summer months. Why wouldn’t you want to spend half your summer in the water?
The Numbers Are Scary
The statistics may make you think twice: 700 children under the age of 15 drown every year, and drowning is one of the leading causes of unintentional death for Canadian toddlers. In fact, it takes a mere inch of water for a baby to drown. Water safety is no joke. So how can you protect your children from becoming another statistic to add to this unacceptably high number of deaths? Well, we have scoured safety sites and have just the tips you need to keep your precious little ones safe this summer.
6 Need-To-Knows for Keeping Your Kids Safe
Supervision. Seems obvious, right? However obvious, it is necessary to be present and vigilant to prevent dangerous situations. Accidents can happen in a matter of seconds, even if your child can swim. If you need to step away from the water for any reason, be sure to have someone else nearby to keep an eye on the little ones.
Fence your pool. Kids are naturally fun-loving and curious and a fence can help to prevent a mis-step into the pool. Bonus: a fence adds another layer of privacy for your family.
Buddy system. Teach your children that every time they are in or near water, they need a buddy. By having a buddy system, there is always somebody to alert an adult if anything goes wrong.
Learn CPR. The course takes a total of 8 hours to learn, and can become the most important lesson you learn if your loved ones end up in a desperate situation. Visit your local community centre to find out more about CPR lessons.
Use life jackets. They may not be the most fashionable, but a life jacket can save lives. If you can’t swim, be sure to don a life jacket not just for your protection but also if your child requires help in depths. Children who can’t swim, especially in water where you can’t see the bottom, should always wear a life jacket.
Swimming lessons. Simple fact - you are less likely to drown if you know how to swim. Local community centres often have swimming classes for all levels, and if you have access to a pool, swim instructors can come to you and give private or semi-private lessons.
With a child or nanny who cannot swim, the opening of pools in warm weather can be an added stress for parents. We’ve teamed up with AquaMobile to provide a contest for two free 40 minute swimming lessons, exclusively available to our loyal CanadianNanny.ca members and readers.
If you have access to a pool, you have a chance to win free swimming lessons at your pool of choice for your child or nanny from a qualified AquaMobile instructor. AquaMobile carefully finds and screens the best certified swim instructors in your area, providing you with customized training plans and hassle-free, one-on-one lessons in your pool of choice, on your schedule.
To enter, follow these steps:
1) Like the CanadianNanny.ca Facebook page
2) Like the AquaMobile Facebook page
3) Share this post and tell us who you want to give the lessons to.
Contest ends June 12th
We hope to see you and your family spending quality time together in a pool this summer! -----