New Years Eve Childcare - Hire a Nanny or Babysitter
December 18, 2014
January is just around the corner, and that means that you're gearing up for New Years Eve. Are you going out for the evening, or staying in with the kids? If you're going out, or didn't think you could go out, read our tips for hiring child care for the night so you can enjoy yourself.
This is one of the most popular questions we get through our service at this time of year. As we all know it can be really challenging find a sitter for New Years Eve….here are a few suggestions:
- Interview and screen the sitter before you agree to hire them (even if it is only for the one night). Canadian Nanny offers access to screening services that can generate results within a few business days! See http://www.canadiannanny.ca/nanny-screening/
- Talk to someone who they've worked for in the past, or their parents
- Ask for a police record check to ensure their record is clean
- Pay at least $15-$20 an hour, if not more…if you don’t pay well, you may lose her to a higher bidder! :)
- Team up with a friend that has kids and share a babysitter for the night
- You may be able to offer a higher wage split between the two families
- Don't give the sitter too many kids to care for
- Do not allow the sitter to bring a friend or a boyfriend to your home that night
- If needed, provide the nanny with a safe ride home
- Taxis are usually very busy that night so plan ahead
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