My Nanny's Cooking Stinks!

September 20, 2012

​At, we hear this statement once in a while. The family loves their nanny, but her cooking is less adored.  One mom joked that if she wanted inedible food, she would get her husband to cook.

We have some suggestions on ways to improve this within your family:

  • Provide the nanny with your family's favourite recipes so she can make those
  • Have the nanny do the prep for the meal (defrost meat, cut veggies, etc) so when you get home you can prepare it with her
  • Get the nanny to do other duties, like folding laundry or sweeping the floors, so that you can focus on cooking for the family
  • When your family enjoys a meal the nanny has cooked, compliment her; when the meal isn't enjoyed, give her constructive feedback, like that it was too spicy for the kids, we prefer our meat cooked longer, etc.
  • Discuss the meal selection with her; if she's bored of preparing the same meals, encourage her to seek out new recipes similar to what your family loves, seek out new recipes that you know your family would like, or send her to a cooking class to learn something new.

Often, a nanny from another country may not be familiar with Canadian food so what may seem obvious to us, like fish sticks, may be completely foreign to them.

What is your standard family meal? What's the craziest meal someone else has prepared for your family?

More on this topic: - Nanny

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