Trudeau and His Nannies
The media storm about the Prime Minister and his nannies is alarming. As we know, the Prime Minister and the Leaders of the Opposition receive a budget for their residence. We hear nothing about Rona Ambrose, as interim Conservative leader, who has a full time cook and housekeeper. The nannies are employees of the Government of Canada, and it is likely a security concern for the government, to ensure that in choosing these nannies, that they have had the utmost security checks and remain good selections. It probably has little to do with money. Sadly, many of the media outlet are turning on Sophie. Here is one quote from a major media outlet today:
“Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau really helpless & weak or is she just selfish and wants a nanny to raise her kids for her?”
Whether or not you agree with the taxpayer paying for the Prime Minister nannies is one thing. But the personal attack and judgement against his wife Sophie for her childcare choices is completely unacceptable, and quite honestly, uncalled for in our opinion.
At, for years we have heard these attacks on women who have chosen to work or need extra help due to personal circumstances. The Trudeau family is no longer your average Canadian family. There are expectations for both Justin and Sophie for the responsibility of care and security of the children of the Prime Minister. This must be of interest to all Canadians.